What is Pediatriya Institutu?
Pediatriya Institutu, or Pediatric Institute, is a scientific and medical institution that specializes in children's health research and education in Azerbaijan. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan and bears the name of Kübra Fərəcova, a distinguished pediatrician and academician. Pediatriya Institutu, together with its clinical partner Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH), forms the largest concentration of children's health research in Europe. Its mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of children, and the adults they will become, through world-class research, education and public engagement. The history of Pediatriya Institutu
The first pediatric institute in Azerbaijan
Pediatriya Institutu was established in 1925 on the basis of a 200-bed children's hospital. In 1927, it was reorganized as the Institute of Maternal and Child Protection. The first director and organizer of the institute was Yevsey Yakovleviç Gindes, a physician-pediatrician who graduated from Kiev University and worked at Kiev Children's Clinic. Gindes moved to Baku in 1905 and became the head of the Children's Department of Qaraşəhər Hospital. In 1918-1922, he was the chief physician of Baku Children's Hospital. On the basis of that hospital, he founded the Pediatric Institute under the People's Health Commissariat of Azerbaijan SSR in 1925.
pediatriya institutu
The development of pediatric research and education
In its early years, the institute conducted scientific research in the fields of maternal-gynecology, physiology and pathology of childhood, as well as organized maternal and child protection institutions and trained mid-level medical workers for them. The institute also organized courses for nurses (with pediatric specialization), directors and nurse-educators of children's homes, nurseries and kindergartens. In 1934, the courses were transformed into a 2-year school. During this period, more than 500 mid-level medical workers were trained for various children's institutions. In 1952, the school was reorganized as an independent medical school No. 2 and separated from the institute. The prominent figures of Pediatriya Institutu
From 1930 onwards, the institute was led by Abulfaz Fərəc oğlu Qarayev, who was the first Azerbaijani pediatrician. He devoted all his energy and strength to a great and important work - organizing medical care for children and developing pediatric science in Azerbaijan. He authored more than 50 scientific works in pediatrics, including the first monograph on "The clinic of hepatitis in children" published in Azerbaijan in 1940. He also organized the pediatric faculty of N.Nərimanov Azerbaijan Medical Institute, where he headed two departments. Many eminent scientists who made great contributions to pediatric science and education worked at the institute for many years, such as Y.Y. Gindes, F.I. İlyin, A.F. Qarayev, T.X.Axundov, S.I. Haciyeva, Q.B. Bron, K.Y. Fərəcova. The current activities of Pediatriya Institutu
The collaboration with national and international partners
Continuing the article:
Article with HTML formatting ---------------------------- The collaboration with national and international partners
Pediatriya Institutu has established strong partnerships with various national and international organizations and institutions to enhance its scientific and clinical capacities and to exchange knowledge and experience. Some of the notable partners include the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijan Medical University, the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's Fund, the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health in London , the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in Uzbekistan, the Iashvili Paediatric Tertiary Referral Hospital in Georgia, and many others. Through these collaborations, Pediatriya Institutu participates in various joint scientific programs and projects, organizes and attends international conferences and workshops, conducts trainings and seminars for its staff and students, and facilitates academic mobility and exchange. The scientific programs and projects
Pediatriya Institutu conducts scientific research in various fields of pediatrics, such as infectious diseases, immunology, allergy, gastroenterology, hepatology, endocrinology, cardiology, rheumatology, nephrology, hematology, oncology, neonatology, neurology, genetics, nutrition, and others. The institute has several scientific laboratories equipped with modern technologies and instruments to carry out basic and applied research. Some of the current scientific programs and projects of the institute include:
The study of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of COVID-19 in children.
The development of new methods for early detection and correction of congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract in children.
The investigation of the molecular-genetic mechanisms of inherited diseases in children and the creation of a national database of genetic disorders.
The evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of new vaccines and immunobiological preparations for children.
The improvement of the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases in children using modern immunological methods.
The optimization of the nutritional support and management of children with chronic diseases.
The clinical services and facilities
Pediatriya Institutu provides high-quality medical care to children with various health problems. The institute has a 200-bed hospital that offers inpatient and outpatient services in different specialties. The hospital has modern equipment and facilities, such as intensive care units, operating rooms, endoscopic units, ultrasound units, X-ray units, laboratory units, blood transfusion units, physiotherapy units, etc. The hospital also has a consultation-diagnostic center that provides consultations, examinations, tests and screenings for children. The institute has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors, nurses and other medical staff who are dedicated to improving the health outcomes of their patients. Continuing the article:
Article with HTML formatting ---------------------------- The benefits of Pediatriya Institutu for children's health
The improvement of diagnosis and treatment
Pediatriya Institutu strives to improve the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and conditions affecting children. The institute applies the latest scientific knowledge and evidence-based practices to provide the best possible care to its patients. The institute also develops and implements new methods and technologies for diagnosis and treatment, such as molecular-genetic tests, endoscopic procedures, minimally invasive surgeries, etc. The institute also participates in clinical trials and studies to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of new drugs and therapies for children.
pediatriya institutu Bakı
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pediatriya institutu K.Fərəcova
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pediatriya institutu sosial hüquq işçiləri
pediatriya institutu T.X.Axundov
pediatriya institutu S.İ.Haciyeva
pediatriya institutu Q.B.Bron
pediatriya institutu N.Nərimanov adına Azərbaycan Tibb İnstitutu
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Pediatriya Institutu also aims to promote the prevention and awareness of children's health issues among the public and the medical community. The institute conducts various educational and informational activities, such as lectures, seminars, webinars, brochures, posters, etc., to raise awareness about the importance of children's health and the prevention of diseases. The institute also provides guidance and recommendations on healthy lifestyles, nutrition, hygiene, immunization, etc., to prevent common and chronic diseases in children. The institute also organizes campaigns and events to mark important dates related to children's health, such as World Children's Day, World Immunization Week, World Breastfeeding Week, etc. The contribution to policy and practice
Pediatriya Institutu also contributes to the development and improvement of policy and practice related to children's health in Azerbaijan and beyond. The institute provides expert advice and consultation to the Ministry of Health and other relevant authorities on various issues concerning children's health. The institute also participates in the formulation and implementation of national strategies, programs and standards for children's health. The institute also disseminates its research findings and best practices to other pediatric institutions and professionals in the country and abroad. The institute also advocates for the rights and interests of children in health-related matters. Conclusion
Pediatriya Institutu is a leading scientific and medical institution that specializes in children's health research and education in Azerbaijan. It has a long history of excellence and innovation in pediatric science and practice. It has a strong collaboration with national and international partners to enhance its capacities and impact. It conducts various scientific programs and projects in different fields of pediatrics. It provides high-quality clinical services and facilities to children with various health problems. It also promotes prevention and awareness of children's health issues among the public and the medical community. It also contributes to policy and practice related to children's health in Azerbaijan and beyond. Pediatriya Institutu is a valuable asset for the health and wellbeing of children, and the adults they will become. FAQs
What does Pediatriya Institutu mean?
Pediatriya Institutu means Pediatric Institute in Azerbaijani.
When was Pediatriya Institutu established?
Pediatriya Institutu was established in 1925 on the basis of a 200-bed children's hospital.
Who is the current director of Pediatriya Institutu?
The current director of Pediatriya Institutu is Professor Nərminə Məmmədova.
Where is Pediatriya Institutu located?
Pediatriya Institutu is located at 56 Həsən Əliyev Street, Baku, Azerbaijan.
How can I contact Pediatriya Institutu?
You can contact Pediatriya Institutu by phone: (+99412) 430-15-01 / (+99412) 430-15-02 / (+99412) 430-15-03; by email: info@pediatriya.edu.az; or by visiting their website: